Learning path to become a Python full stack developer

Learning path to become a python full stack developer

An all-rounder is a python full stack developer. There are two types of web development: front-end web development and back-end web development.

In a web development project, what do these folks do? A front-end developer is responsible for the design of a website's front end (i.e., user interface). They enhance the aesthetic appeal of the websites. A back-end developer is in charge of the website's backend. Working with logic, databases, and requests are just a few examples.

A python full stack developer is a hybrid of the two. They are capable of designing a comprehensive web application because they have both front-end and back-end expertise.

What is the role of a full-stack developer?

Learning path to become a python full-stack engineer/developer implies you can work on both the front end and back end of a web application. Front-end development is concerned with the appearance of the program to the user. To put it another way, front-end development is the process of programming the browser, also known as the client end. Back-end development, on the other hand, is concerned with the application's logic. Programming the remote server and interfacing with one or more databases are both part of back-end development (s).

A python full stack developer may work on a project from start to finish, from design to deployment. In practice, however, this is only practical for extremely modest tasks. A specialist back-end developer may have a better understanding of back-end development, such as database architecture, but a full-stack developer has a broader understanding. Full-stack engineers are generalists who assist bridge the gap between two highly specialized forces: front-end and back-end developers, on a huge real-world project.

Python full-stack development

Using the roadmap of Python programming language for web development has a number of advantages, including a quick development time. The nicest aspect about utilizing Python as a full stack web development, on the other hand, may be the career options it may provide. full stack developer and back-end Python developers are still in high demand. Python is widely used in data science and machine learning, so as you grow as a full-stack engineer, you may add these to your back-end skill set.

Python full stack developer

Python for backend development

Flask, Django, Turbogears, CherryPy, Pyramid, Bottle, and Falcon are just a few of the Python back-end frameworks available. We'll focus on the two most popular frameworks, Django and Flask.


Django is a popular open-source project with a significant development community. As a result, it regularly receives updates to its security, user and role administration, and database migration management capabilities. Django also comes with a REST framework that supports RESTful Web APIs in full.


Another popular Python web framework is Flask. It's referred to as a micro-framework because it's lighter than Django. Flask is a popular framework for creating API backend. In the Flask community, there are a lot of pluggable features.

Python for frontend development

Front-end development in Python, unlike back-end programming, is still in its infancy. As a result, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are commonly utilized in front-end development. However, a few front-end Python frameworks, such as Skulpt, Brython, and Anvil, have lately been built.

Let's talk about Anvil because it's a bit more adult. Anvil is a full stack framework that can be used to construct both the front-end and the back-end of a website. We can use Anvil to create UI components for a web page by dragging and dropping components into Anvil's graphical interface. We may also change the characteristics of UI components and link them to certain events (Python functions). Back-end functions like database manipulation, file management, and user authentication are all handled by Anvil.

What you'll need to know in order to become a full-stack Python developer

What you need to learn is determined by your prior knowledge. Here's a quick rundown of everything you'll need to know related to interview questions answers.

Python programming

You'll want to study Python thoroughly if you don't already know it. After all, you'll be using it to program servers. But first, make sure you're familiar with Python essentials, such as algorithms and data structures, as well as object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python. While the latter isn't required, you should consider studying OOP approaches because they can help you save time in the long run.

Read More: How to become a python developer

On that subject, here are some pointers for a newbie developer studying Python.

Fundamentals of web development

If you're new to web development, you'll need to familiarize yourself with both sides.

  • HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are the foundations of the web.
  • angular, reactjs, and VueJS are front-end JavaScript frameworks.
  • jQuery is a JavaScript library.
  • A CSS framework, such as Bootstrap, is one option.

Back-end development

Here's a quick rundown of everything you'll need to get started with back-end development:

  1. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), especially REST APIs, are designed and built.
  2. CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations
  3. MySQL, mongodb, PostgreSQL, php or SQLite are examples of databases.
  4. Django or Flask Git are Python back-end frameworks for source code management and version control.

Tips on how to become a full-stack Python developer

Here are some tips for becoming a full-stack python developer:

Consider it a long-term journey: If you're beginning from the ground up, you may have a lengthy journey ahead of you - which is fantastic! If you become frustrated with your development, keep in mind that the time you spend studying and practicing today will reduce your knowledge gap, allowing you to build a stronger foundation for future growth.

First, aim for broad understanding, then dig deeper: Because your knowledge spans multiple disciplines, you don't need to have the same level of expertise as a specialist. Begin with the bare minimum of knowledge and practice until you've mastered it. With time and professional experience, you'll develop a larger depth of understanding.

Set short, attainable goals to guide your progress: Because full-stack engineering encompasses a wide range of languages, frameworks, and approaches, your learning curve may take some time. If you need to learn a lot of new concepts, creating a plan that breaks down your overall objective into smaller goals with realistic dates can assist.

learn path to become a python full stack developer

Concentrate on a single technology stack at a time: First, master one stack. Additional technologies can (and should) be learned later.

Learn among your peers: This may be done in any method that is convenient for you. Find a Python learning buddy, enroll in classes, attend a bootcamp, or join a Python Discord server.

Know the pros & cons

You may have heard that full stack developer aren't particularly popular. People who think of full stack engineers as the fabled unicorns of the software world and others who think they're spreading themselves too thin are on opposite sides of the debate. Here's a brief rundown of full stack development's benefits and drawbacks.

  • Can operate more readily in small teams or tech firms with fewer developer positions available.
  • Full stack engineers understand how to interact with both front end and back end developers, which helps to eliminate a lot of misunderstanding.
  • They have the ability to tackle all problems at once, not only those related to surface-level development.


  • The most compelling argument against full stack (in our opinion) is this: Is the quality of your code ever going to be as excellent as it might be if you're not specialized?
  • Prioritizing projects is difficult.
  • Companies that hire you for both front end and back end development may expect you to perform more work than a 40-hour workweek allows (i.e. the cutting corners approach to a web development budget).

Learning Path to become a Python full stack developer

1. Begin to study front-end web development.

You may either learn a Python courses and the back-end things first for free, or the other way around. As a result, if you're new to web development, it's best to start with front-end technology. Begin with HTML, and you'll be able to create a simple website with no design. HTML is a markup language that aids in the creation of fundamental website elements such as a header, picture, paragraph, and so on.

2. Understand Python's Fundamentals

It's now time to start learning Python. Python is a widely used, powerful, and easy-to-use programming languages. If you haven't yet learned the fundamentals of Python, now is the time to get started. Python is a reasonably simple language to learn, and you can pick it up quickly if you put in the effort.

Understand the fundamental grammar, how code is written, how loops operate, how to build functions, conditional statements, and so on. You don't need to devote a significant amount of time to learning Python. Learn the fundamentals before moving on to the next phase. The majority of people remain at this stage for a long time and never progress in their jobs.You're ready to go on to the next phase if you know how to build loops, if-else, conditions, and functions in Python.

3. Become familiar with a web development framework (Django or Flask)

Now you must master a back-end web development framework. These frameworks are required for Python to conduct back-end development. When it comes to web development, there are primarily two Python frameworks to choose from. Django and Flask are their names. Django is a little tricky to get your head around at first. It's not rocket science, though, and if you put in enough effort, you can master it. Django is a model-view-template framework with several unique features. It's a little tricky at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's rather straightforward.

4. Find your front end and back end web development skills gaps

If you don't have any web development experience, start with the abilities that will help you get a job as a front-end developer. They are as follows:

Essential front end developer skills
  • javaScript libraries and frameworks (jQuery, React JS)
  • Responsive/Mobile design
  • Version control/Git
Programming languages front end developers need to know
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

If you're already familiar with front-end web programming and want to go full-stack, these are the back-end developer abilities you should master next.

5. Create a portfolio of web development work

Every web developer and engineer, whether front end, back end, full stack, or haystack (heh. ), needs an online portfolio to show off their work. Before you begin applying, be sure to update it with your best projects. You can add mock projects to your portfolio depending on the work you're doing in your classes if you're new to studying front-end and/or back-end programming. All excellent code counts, whether it's for clients or for pleasure.

Some of the key points to become a python full stack developer

  • Don't start learning Python on a whim.
  • Learn how to acquire your first Python job whether you're still in college or want to change fields.
  • The only thing that will set you apart from the competition in terms of landing a lucrative job with a respected MNC is your dedication and time investment.
  • Invest in a respected online Python training course—it will pay you handsomely!
  • Make your first Python project by following these steps: Make your first programming lover Pygame or Matplotlib!
  • Finally, master automation!

Job Roles

Software Developer/Engineer 

Core Python, web frameworks, and object relational mappers are all required skills for a software developer/engineer. To integrate apps with other components, they need to be familiar with multi-process architecture and RESTful APIs.

Skills in front end programming and database understanding are two desirable qualities for a software developer. When you want to be a software developer, you'll also need to know how to write Python programs and manage systems.

Python Web Developer

To create server-side web functionality, a Python web developer is needed. They should be knowledgeable with web frameworks, as well as HTML and CSS, which serve as the building blocks of web development.

Database expertise and the ability to write Python programs are desirable skills. Tkinter is a must-have library for GUI-based web applications. Once you've mastered all of these talents, you'll be a python web developer.

Also Read: Python developer interview questions and answers

Data Analyst

Data interpretation and analysis require the services of a data analyst. They should have a strong understanding of mathematics and statistics.

Python libraries such as Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, seaborn, and others are used for data visualization and manipulation, therefore knowing Python might be beneficial in this area as well.

Data Scientist

In order to assist in the decision-making process, a data scientist must have a solid understanding of data analysis, interpretation, manipulation, mathematics, and statistics. They must also be experts in machine learning and AI, including all machine learning techniques such as regression analysis and naive bayes, among others.

A data scientist must be well-versed in libraries such as Tensorflow, scikit-learn, and others. A data scientist will take on responsibilities that need all-around growth.

Machine Learning Engineer

On top of mathematics and statistics, a machine learning engineer must comprehend deep learning principles, neural network design, and machine learning algorithms. A machine learning engineer must be well-versed in algorithms such as gradient descent, regression analysis, and prediction model construction.

A few commonly used python libraries for machine learning are listed below. A machine learning engineer is expected to do more than simply code.

They're needed to get a machine to do anything special. A machine learning engineer harnesses the power of creativity and channels it into cutting-edge solutions.

AI engineer

Programming abilities, as well as understanding of Data Science and Data Modelling ideas, are required of an AI engineer. Understanding deep learning and neural networks is also required.

An AI engineer's job is to train computers to think like a human mind, or to respond as a person would in a given circumstance. All of this occurs as a result of a cognitive simulation.

Reasoning, knowledge representation, natural language processing, and general intelligence are examples of frequent tasks.

Automation Testing Engineer

For any automation test engineer, programming abilities are like a foundation stone. The Selenium web driver, as well as any associated technologies, is required. For example, ATLC approach and TestNG.

As an automation engineer, you'll be responsible for identifying software operations that can be automated. They must create and execute automation scripts to verify the processes' functioning, as well as build testing methodologies and frameworks for automation.

Python Full stack developer salary

In India, Python full-stack developer salary for freshers range from 1.8 to 15.0 lakhs per year, with an average yearly pay of 4.7 lakhs.


1. How long does it take to learn Python full stack?

Learning the fundamentals takes around 6-8 weeks on average. This gives you ample time to grasp the majority of Python code lines. If you want to become an expert in Python and its area and work in data science, you'll need months or years of study.

2. How can I learn full stack in Python?

  • Start Learning Front-end Web Development. 
  • Master the Fundamentals of Python. 
  • Learn a Web Development Framework (Django or Flask) 
  • Create Real-World Projects. 
  • Teach Programming and Help Others. 
  • Apply for Jobs or Find Freelance Clients

3. What skills are required for Python full stack developer?

Stackable Front-end technology, development languages, databases, basic design abilities, server, working with APIs, and version control systems are all necessary developer skills.

4. Is Python enough to get a job?

While knowing Python may be enough to secure a job, most professions require a set of abilities. You may obtain a job writing Python code that links to a MySQL database, for example. Javascript, HTML, and CSS are required to create a web application. You should be familiar with mathematical modelling if you want to go into machine learning.

5. Is Python developer a good career?

Python Developer is a highly sought-after position in the business. Python is a programming language that is far more popular than C++ and Java. This is due to the fact that Python code is not only shorter and easier to understand than its more popular counterparts, but it is also extremely flexible.

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